Why isn’t the reality of Alcohol use and abuse sounding the alarm on the crisis that has been so normalized– and even glorified– in our society?

Alcohol is a major contributor to our collective’s mental health problems, domestic violence, child abuse, poverty, acts of violence and crime, etc. Yet it is being sold side by side with everyday drinks like sodas and sports drinks. 

Why isn’t alcohol regulated to the same strictness as any other hard substance like heroin or methamphetamine?

Is there an underlying goal and intention with so freely allowing such a reckless and harmful substance to be so readily available to a society that is already unstable from its way of living?

It is obvious the fatal, horrendous damage alcohol related accidents and violence have caused incredible suffering to our collective. What is being done to actively address this crisis?

This is another issue with not prioritizing mental health in our communities that impacts our lives to grave extents. When is enough, enough? 

If we don’t consciously put our focus and budget into funding actual solutions and resources that we all desperately need in regards to our collective health and well-being, then we will continue to witness our evolution decompensate.

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“It riles them to believe you perceive the web they weave, and keep on thinking free.”

– The Moody Blues

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